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4 Reasons Your Club Needs a CRM Today

by | Jun 13, 2024

Running a successful club is all about fostering a thriving community. But between answering online inquiries, touring prospects and onboarding new members, keeping track of everything (and everyone) can feel like juggling flaming chainsaws. That’s where a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system swoops in to save the day!

More than just a fancy contact list, a CRM is your secret weapon for building stronger member relationships, boosting engagement, and ultimately, growing your club.  Here’s why your club absolutely needs a CRM today:

Organize Your Data

Say goodbye to spreadsheets scattered across desktops and hello to a centralized hub for all your prospect information. A CRM stores everything in one place – contact details, communication history, membership interest – making it a breeze to retrieve data and understand your member base.  I use Hubspot (which integrated with our MembersFirst website).  One of my favorite components is when a prospective member fills out a form on my website, it’s automatically uploaded into my CRM.  Huge time saver!

Hello, Personalization!

A CRM allows you to segment your prospects based on interests, demographics or past interactions. This lets you craft personalized communication that resonates with each lead. Let’s take Junior Memberships for example.  Offering a summer camp or running a promotion on your Junior category of Membership?  Your CRM will allow you to send targeted communications to just those interested in that programming.  Get ready to see your open and click-thru rates skyrocket!

Streamline Workflows and Boost Efficiency

As a Membership Director we wear SO many hats.  Stop wasting time on repetitive tasks! A CRM automates many of the mundane processes that eat into your valuable time. Automated onboarding emails for new members and email follow-up for prospective members are just a few of my favorite things!

Your Membership Committee Members LOVE Data

A CRM is a treasure trove of data. Track your leads, conversion rates, trends, analyze engagement metrics, and identify areas for improvement. This data gives you the power to tailor your offerings and communication strategies to better serve your members and attract new ones.

Ready to take your club to the next level? A CRM is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Investing in a CRM today is an investment in the future of your club, allowing you to build stronger relationships, boost engagement, and ensure your club thrives.

PS.  Always happy to answer any questions from a personal perspective.  I am certainly not a CRM expert, but I have been using these systems for 15+ years and without it, I could never be a successful department of one 😉

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen is a private club membership + marketing educator that provides resources to industry professionals who are striving to get creative and think outside the box. Through her education, training and online masterclasses, Melissa has worked with over 200 clubs worldwide providing membership professionals with tools to take their game to the next level. Melissa has spoken with several CMAA and PCMA Chapters and has presented at conferences throughout the country. Her passion is delivering actionable strategies to improve member engagement, sales, and retention.