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Is Your Club Ready for New Members? The Crucial Vetting Process You Might Be Missing.

by | Sep 20, 2024

In the private club world, who you allow through the doors matters just as much as the amenities, services, and experiences you provide. A club isn’t just a physical space; it’s a community. The members define that community. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that prospective members not only align with your club’s values and culture but also bring integrity and character to the table.

As someone deeply involved in membership processes, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of proper vetting. This isn’t just about safeguarding the reputation of the club; it’s about protecting its members and their families. When you think about it, joining a private club is more than just paying dues and enjoying perks—it’s about building relationships and trust within a close-knit group. Poor vetting can disrupt that delicate balance.

That’s why I’m so impressed by the services provided by Kennis, the industry leading fact-based member vetting service.  Their approach to vetting is a game-changer for private clubs, especially those of us who want to be thorough but may lack the resources to dig deeply into an applicant’s background. What Kennis does is not your typical background check. They go beyond basic public records or what you might find on a quick Google search. They specialize in gathering intelligence and creating in-depth dossiers that provide a full picture of a prospective member.

The platform they’ve developed is designed specifically for private clubs, which is crucial. It’s tailored to our unique needs, understanding that we’re not just looking for any standard employment history or criminal background check. We need to know who the person is, what values they hold, and how they might fit into our club’s community. Kennis takes the guesswork out of the equation by using advanced research tools that dig deeper than any off-the-shelf background screening.

For clubs, the stakes are high. We’re safeguarding not just our reputation but also the experience of our members. Inviting someone into a private community means entrusting them with access to exclusive events, spaces, and personal interactions. Any mismatch in character can disrupt the harmony of the club and alienate current members. This is why, in my experience, investing in thorough vetting is one of the most important decisions you can make when evaluating new members.

Vetting new members is about much more than checking off boxes; it’s about creating and maintaining a community that you can be proud of. And when it comes to that responsibility, partnering with a specialized service like Kennis gives you the confidence to know you’re making the right choices for the long-term health of your club.


Want more details on how your club can benefit?  Reach out to my friend Paul Dank at [email protected]

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen is a private club membership + marketing educator that provides resources to industry professionals who are striving to get creative and think outside the box. Through her education, training and online masterclasses, Melissa has worked with over 200 clubs worldwide providing membership professionals with tools to take their game to the next level. Melissa has spoken with several CMAA and PCMA Chapters and has presented at conferences throughout the country. Her passion is delivering actionable strategies to improve member engagement, sales, and retention.