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Is Your Club Ready for New Members? The Crucial Vetting Process You Might Be Missing.

In the private club world, who you allow through the doors matters just as much as the amenities, services, and experiences you provide. A club isn’t just a physical space; it’s a community. The members define that community. That’s why it’s so important to ensure...

Elevating Private Clubs One Membership Professional at a Time

In an interview that took place on the Crushing Club Marketing Podcast with Ed Heil of StoryTeller, I had the opportunity to discuss the membership director’s role in private clubs.

4 Reasons Your Club Needs a CRM Today

More than just a fancy contact list, a CRM is your secret weapon for building stronger member relationships, boosting engagement, and ultimately, growing your club.

4 Reasons Your Club Needs a CRM Today

4 Reasons Your Club Needs a CRM Today

More than just a fancy contact list, a CRM is your secret weapon for building stronger member relationships, boosting engagement, and ultimately, growing your club.

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Engage & Inform: A Social Media Guide for Non-Profit Clubs 501(c)(7)

Engage & Inform: A Social Media Guide for Non-Profit Clubs 501(c)(7)

Social media can be a powerful tool for 501(c)(7) clubs to connect with members, promote the club’s offerings, and foster a sense of community. However, it’s important to remember that social media use must comply with IRS regulations to protect the club’s non-profit status.

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Become the MVP at Your Club

Become the MVP at Your Club

In the dynamic world of private clubs, those who serve in the roles of membership, marketing, sales, and communication play a vital role in shaping the club's success. To stand out and become the Most Valuable Player (MVP), professionals in these roles need a...

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The Magic of Gifting: Building Member Love!

The Magic of Gifting: Building Member Love!

In today’s fast paced world, building a strong connection with members is a must-do for success. But here’s a secret sauce that’s often overlooked: the power of gifting! Yep, when you gift your members with love and thoughtfulness, incredible things happen. Buckle up as we dive into the magic of gifting and how it amps up your member relationships for many years to come.

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Swinging into the Future: Marketing Strategies to Engage Junior Golfers

Swinging into the Future: Marketing Strategies to Engage Junior Golfers

A recent article published by the National Golf Foundation states that the biggest participation increase over the past three years has been that of junior golfers, with a net gain of almost 1 million juniors (ages 6-17). As a marketer in the golf industry, it’s essential to understand how to market to juniors effectively. Here are five tips to implement into your club marketing and communications strategy:

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Creating FOMO to Increase Sales, Promote Events and Generate Member Activity

Creating FOMO to Increase Sales, Promote Events and Generate Member Activity

The ‘fear of missing out.’ Although it wasn’t officially a term until 2013, the concept of the idea has existed for decades. Even before the days of social media, the idea of missing out on the fun is relatable to everyone. FOMO marketing involves creating a sense of urgency in the minds of your members and guests to market your club. Whether promoting an upcoming event, selling memberships or increasing attendance at dinner – instilling the sense of missing out will change the way your members react to your messaging.

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