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Become the MVP at Your Club

by | Feb 13, 2024

In the dynamic world of private clubs, those who serve in the roles of membership, marketing, sales, and communication play a vital role in shaping the club’s success. To stand out and become the Most Valuable Player (MVP), professionals in these roles need a strategic approach that goes beyond routine tasks. Here are a few key strategies to help you become the MVP of your club, making a lasting impact on both members and the club’s overall success.


Dive deep into understanding the diverse needs and preferences of your members. Conduct surveys, engage in conversations, and actively listen to their feedback. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your strategies to meet the unique expectations of your members.

Quick Tip: I love to follow my members ‘back’ on social media so I can have a peek inside their lives. I often surprise them with notes in the mail or random gifts at the club to congratulate them on something exciting they shared on social such as a pregnancy announcement, new job or recent award they won.


Implement strategic sales tactics that focus on value rather than just features. Emphasize how club membership enhances the lifestyle and experiences of individuals. Showcase success stories and testimonials to build trust and credibility.

Quick Tip: I love connecting with members that have just celebrated their first anniversary at the club. I congratulate them, celebrate them and then ask them a few questions about their experience. I use their testimonials throughout my email communications, social media and website.


Introduce innovative membership programs to cater to different likes and interests. Consider family-friendly options, intro to the sport clinics (such as Dinks & Drinks, Intro to Pickleball), and workshops that allow you to be hands on.

Quick tip: Instead of the traditional new member mixer, allow new members to connect thru hands on workshops such as charcuterie board classes or paint and sip. These interactive experiences are natural icebreakers and an easy way to meet new friends.

By understanding your audience, building strong relationships, and continually refining your strategies, you can make a significant and lasting impact on the success of your private club. That’s the secret to becoming the REAL MVP.

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen

Melissa Hansen is a private club membership + marketing educator that provides resources to industry professionals who are striving to get creative and think outside the box. Through her education, training and online masterclasses, Melissa has worked with over 200 clubs worldwide providing membership professionals with tools to take their game to the next level. Melissa has spoken with several CMAA and PCMA Chapters and has presented at conferences throughout the country. Her passion is delivering actionable strategies to improve member engagement, sales, and retention.